When acquiring a property one of the things to consider these days is if the house has solar panels or if the house is able to have solar panels installed. This can actually be a financial advantage and can even help to potentially reduce the payments that you need to make on your mortgage.
Before I get started on this I would like to mention that each city, state and country has different rules and regulations regarding power consumption, solar panels and potentially selling the power back to the grid. However that being said, look into your local laws and get yourself educated as there even some financial incentives in such countries and Australia for the installation of solar panels. There are also options to lease solar panels in some areas.
If the house already has solar panels?
If the property you intend to purchase already has solar panels you will want as much information as you can regarding their condition and their output. Find out from the owner how old they are and if there is any warranty left on them. I would highly recommend getting an expert such as Roof Restoration South Adelaide to inspect the entire roof as well as the solar panels and give you a written report on the condition with an estimate of the price of repairs if at all required. I would also get a copy of all the previous owners power bill records so that you know how much they are saving you in electricity bill payments. You should also keep in mind that over time most panels do become less efficient.
If the house does not already have panels.
There are many things to consider when looking at solar panels, these include if your roof is in good enough condition for installation, if you get enough sun and how many you need to acquire and install. This will all effect exactly how much energy your property and solar panels will produce. As there is a wide range of options I would recommend obtaining multiple quotes on the cost of the installation and panels.
Solar panels can be a financially helpful and environmentally conscious way to reduce your bills and take some pressure off of your mortgage repayments. This information is of general interest and does not take into account your personal circumstances.